Information Regarding Annual Meeting Thursday Oct 21
Date/Time Date(s) - 10/21/2021 12:00 am

The Carisbrooke Homeowners Association 2021 Annual Meeting will be held “Virtually”, Thursday, October 21, 2021. The purpose of this meeting shall be to elect ONE (1) person to the Board of Directors and take such actions as may be necessary to officially conduct the business of the Association. The position is for a three (3) year term.

This will be a Virtual Meeting and there will “not” be nominations from the floor the evening of the meeting.

The Association is trying to reduce administrative costs. We will be using electronic voting to establish quorum and vote for board candidates.

On or about Tuesday, October 5th, 2021, you should receive an email from EZVote. Please do not delete this email as it is not SPAM. This application will be used to cast your vote for the Board of Directors nominees.