Metro Bus Stop
Date/Time Date(s) - 05/31/2022 12:00 am

With the metro coming to Ashburn, new bus stops are being created. According to the link below, there is a bus stop planned to be located near Carisbrooke. Please see information below from the Board of Supervisors Office and click the link to see where the bus stops are planned to be installed.

From Board of Supervisors: The bus stop is planned to be located in the VDOT right-of-way on the southside of the Epsom Terrace intersection. This location was coordinated with Loudoun County Public Schools so as to not conflict with their pick-up location on the northside near the light post.

For the near term (probably the next year or so), the bus stop will consist of a Loudoun County Transit bus stop sign mounted to a pole near the edge of the roadway approximately 50 feet from the intersection. The County is working on making all bus stops ADA compliant, which would include in the future an accessible path from the bus stop to the asphalt path on the HOA’s property. This stop will be added to the ADA transition plan, and the County would coordinate the associated project with the HOA. If a shelter is warranted at any point in the future, then it would likely need to be placed on the HOA property. Staff would seek the appropriate permissions through the HOA at that time.